Deepen your practice today

To become a member of Zenwest click below to find out how.

Zen Practice

As we, at Zenwest, are currently reinventing ourselves and envisioning what we will be offering in the future. Our Tuesday Evening Zen Meditation at the Interfaith Chapel at the University of Victoria and is open to all. It is an opportunity for beginners to become familiar with the basics of zazen, Zen Meditation.

For those who wish to engage deeper, are members in good standing and have completed our free on-line Orientation to Zen Buddhist Practice , you are welcome to contact us about joining our longer more formal practice at our Sunday Zendo.

Sunday Zendo

Sunday Zendo

  Our home temple, Roseberry Temple, is in Victoria, BC.  We have transitioned to having pod Temples in line with our new foundation of practice opportunities and activities offered by members.  We are also pleased to introduce Beechwood Temple in Fairfield...

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Zenwest Chants

Zenwest Chants

Here you will find the Zenwest Chant Book as well as MP3 recordings of all the chants done in our regular Sunday service.

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Deepen your practice today

To become a member of Zenwest click below for full details.

Please make a Donation to Zenwest

Your donation helps Zenwest to continue to provide local practice offerings in the Zendo and the many services and supports that we offer around the world such as the Living Zen podcast, on-line courses and videos. You can make a difference by ensuring that we can continue to deliver our outstanding programming!

Thank you for helping to make Zen come alive at Zenwest!