History of Zenwest
Our group was originally incorporated as a not-for-profit Society in British Columbia in 1980 under the name Victoria Zen Centre. In 2013 we changed the name to Zenwest Buddhist Society. Zenwest is recognized as a religious body in the Province of British Columbia,...
Governance The Zenwest Buddhist Society is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Governance is provided by a five member Board of Directors which is elected each spring at our Annual General Meeting of members. Our...
Please make a Donation to Zenwest
Your donation helps Zenwest to continue to provide local practice offerings in the Zendo and the many services and supports that we offer around the world such as the Living Zen podcast, on-line courses and videos. You can make a difference by ensuring that we can continue to deliver our outstanding programming!
Thank you for helping to make Zen come alive at Zenwest!