Coming soon!

Free Online Orientation to Zen Course
Are you looking for a way to go beyond the simple basics of meditation, or how to take your practice deeper?
The benefits of a consistent meditation practice are well established – stress reduction, a less cluttered mind, improved focus and awareness, better immune function, more restful sleep, and insight into the habits that are limiting the realization of your true potential.
This online course offers a progressive combination of study and practice at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home, that will provide a strong foundation to experience the profound change that Zen meditation practice offers. Our Online Orientation to Zen Course has been created to help you develop a consistent and stable Zen practice, no matter where you are.
Zenwest Chants
Here you will find the Zenwest Chant Book as well as MP3 recordings of all the chants done in our regular Sunday service.
Online Resources
If you are new to Zen practice and would like to discover what Zen Meditation is all about, these talks by Kosen Eshu, Osho are a great place to start. Every week Eshu Osho gives a short talk at our Tuesday Evening Zen Meditation. These talks are recorded and made publicly available as audio podcasts and videos for the benefit of our Sangha and greater community. More of Eshu Osho’s recorded talks are available on the iTunes LIVING ZEN podcast as well as on Libsyn. Be sure to check back for new talks, as the Living Zen podcast is updated regularly!
Watch the Living Zen Videos
Listen to the Living Zen Podcast
Please make a Donation to Zenwest
Your donation helps Zenwest to continue to provide local practice offerings in the Zendo and the many services and supports that we offer around the world such as the Living Zen podcast, on-line courses and videos. You can make a difference by ensuring that we can continue to deliver our outstanding programming!
Thank you for helping to make Zen come alive at Zenwest!