Sesshin & Other Intensive Opportunities For Engagement

Sesshin & Other Intensive Opportunities For Engagement

Our last summer sesshin at our former temple in Sooke, Kokizan-ji (Red Flag Mountain Temple) happened August 7-14, 2016.  Seven day retreats are where the opportunity for juicy transformation happens as we immerse into intensive residential practice.  As we are going...
Growing Zenwest!

Growing Zenwest!

In order for our community to make it from today into the bright future, each we reach out to all Zenwest Members and Associates, as well as our friends and supporters around the world; who, like you, know first hand the value of belonging to the Zenwest Sangha and participating in our practice opportunities and events.

As a non-profit organization and federal charity, a significant part of our budget relies on charitable donations, and it is up to us to generate the resources that are required to keep our community developing, to support the practice opportunities and teaching that sustains us, and to keep generating the resources that allow us to share our wonderful community around the world.